About Hannah, designer & maker
I don’t know about you, but throwing on a piece of jewellery always makes me feel ‘dressed’, in fact often I feel a bit naked without earrings or a necklace! I have always had a thing for jewellery - Mum said I didn't go anywhere without my beads even as a toddler.
I still love jewellery and I like to feel comfortable in what I’m wearing, however smart or casual the occasion and that makes me feel confident. So I make jewellery that you can ‘throw on’ with any outfit and feel complete: from statement necklaces that are adjustable in length to suit the neckline of any outfit, to perfect simple earrings that are worn to be seen but light to wear. I don’t do ‘standard’ lengths - after all, there’s nothing standard about the fabulously different bodies (and clothes) we all have. And if you need an alternative size to fit you just perfectly, I’m always happy to make it just right for you.
Design-wise, I enjoy working with simple shapes and forms and love the endless possibilities of links and linear elements. I find inspiration in the everyday: from the soft-edged shapes of nature-worn pebbles to the hard, graphic lines of industrial architecture. I work predominantly in recycled sterling silver: a more sustainable alternative to help reduce waste and impact on the environment.
I design and make all my jewellery from my sunny studio in the beautiful Wiltshire countryside. The physical act of making and creating something with my hands gives me such joy. I love the tactile quality of working with metal, shaping, forming and manipulating it into something new.
My work is simple, contemporary and ultimately wearable. I love making jewellery and I make what I like to wear – I really hope you love wearing it too!
Hannah x
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"If everyone who'd complimented our beautiful gallery had bought 'just a card' we'd still be open" a gallery owner quoted on closing their business, thus inspiring the ‘Just a Card’ campaign: this was the quote from a former gallery owner that launched the JUST A CARD campaign, championing and supporting Designer/Makers and Independent Galleries and Shops by reinforcing the message that all purchases, however small, even 'just a card' are so vital to the prosperity and survival of small businesses. Visit www.justacard.org for full details of their brilliant campaign in support of independent makers and retail outlets.
At Polished Grey we are Proud supporters of Just a Card campaign, championing small independent businesses and makers.
Check out the brilliant Just a card campaign online or follow on instagram and support sustainable small businesses like ours